If you are interested in International Harvester history, become a member and share the joys of this fine organization.
2019 — Mortgage Paid in Full
After the roundup, we made our final mortgage payment so the International Harvester Museum in Millville is now fully owned by IHC Chapter 17.
- Work continues to improve the building.
- International Harvester equipment keeps coming in from all over the USA.
- Visit The Museum at 47 S Chestnut Street, Millville, PA 17846.
Farmall 656 Tractor
2019 — 3rd Red Power Round Up
After a very long wait, chapter 17 was finally elected to host the 2019 Red Power Round Up. Having bid on the show in 2016, we had three years to organize this massive show.
- The Team selected to organize the show was outstanding.
- Almost everything came off without a problem.
- This was the best show we ever did.

2014 — Red Power Showdown
To be a host of the National Red Power Round Up, the members across the country vote on location. After numerous unsuccessful attempts, we decided to do a show for the eastern members. The 2014 national show was in South Dakota. We took advantage of that and had the Red Power Showdown one week prior.
Off to the fairgrounds in Bloomsburg again, we hosted another great show, the Red Power Showdown. With the support of IH eastern chapters, it was a great success and a lot of fun.

Summer 2010 — Bartlow Family IH Dealership Purchased
It seemed to take a long time to get everything accomplished but finally in the summer of 2010, we took possession of the Bartlow Family IH dealership building in Millville, Pennsylvania
- Restoring the building was a top priority.
- The International Harvester Museum is wonderful piece of International Harvester History.
- Visit The Museum at 47 S Chestnut Street, Millville, PA 17846.

Later in 2007 — Club Organizational Structure Changes
Later in 2007, the club was approached by Frank Bartlow (Tubby) and asked if we were interested in purchasing their family IH dealership building in Millville, Pennsylvania. After much discussion we voted to check into this large purchase. It took a lot of time to get everything that was needed accomplished.
- Reconstructed the business end of the organization, with new by-laws.
- Changed our income tax structure to a 501C3, so donor’s could get claim the donation on personal income taxes.
June 26-28, 2007 — 2nd Red Power Round Up
After hosting the Red Power Round Up in 2003, we knew the second would be much easier. The 2nd Round Up was held on June 26-28, 2007 at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds. It is quite an honor to be chosen to host the Round Up and also a big obligation when considering all the man hours, expenses and the dedication of members.
- The Farmall Cub was featured.
- Cubs of all descriptions and sizes were brought to the show, including one from Michigan that was at least 10 feet tall.

June 26-28, 2003 — 1st Red Power Round Up
With over $10,000 dollars in the treasury, the members decided we should do a Red Power Round Up here in central Pennsylvania. After much planning and decision making, the club held its first Red Power Round Up at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds on June 26-28.
- This was the very first stand alone show ever done by an IHC Chapter.
- The famous IH FAST HITCH was featured, including tractors and equipment.
- The total number of IH items at the show was very high.
- The show was a success thanks to the hard work of club members.
At the next membership meeting one of the members stood up and said, “That was fun! Let’s do it again.” Immediately, there was a motion on the floor to do another Roundup; the vote was unanimous!
1995-2002 — Fundraisers / Membership Growth
As the years went by, we started earning money through fundraisers and raffles.
- International Harvester Shirts and Caps
- Gun Raffle and Longaberger Basket Raffle
- McCormick W-30 Toy Tractor with Club Logo (1/16 scale).
Our membership continued to grow to well over a hundred members.
September 1994 — IHCC#17 Was Born
The club addressed the national board to become a chapter at the 1994 Red Power Round Up held in Hookstown, PA. On September 17, 1994, Chapter 17 was born.
September 1993 — Club Organized
The club was organized in September of 1993 with 60 members.
- Officers and directors were appointed at that time.
- A logo was designed, incorporation was established and bylaws were created, all to meet the requirements of National International Harvester Collectors Club.